Become member


Nickname: Quinta, Babs, Babsii
Birthday: 02.
April 1984
Zodiac sign: Aries

School: Student
Eyecoulour: blue-grey
Haircoulour: blond

Hight: 1,67 m

Do you belive in yourself?: Sometimes……
Your character: nice, always laughing, changing moods,….


Food: Pizza
Drink: Coke, Siideri

Coulour: Red, Blue
Holidays: Suomi
Sports: skijumping, riding, walking
Sweets: …….
Schoolsubjekt: maths
Band: Mokoma, Evanesence, Poets of the fall, TikTak
Song: Pelimies, Lopeta, Odotan, Everything fades, You´ll never be alone, Purple rain, Listen to your heart

Film: Forrest gump

Actor: Tom Hanks
Sportsmen: Jörne Sprehe

Skijumper: Janne Happonen, Jussi Hautamäki,Arttu Lappi, Kalle Keituri, Joonas Ikonen, Olli Pekkala, Harri Olli
Animal: Horse, Cat, Dog
Flower: Rose

What do you think when you here these words????

Money: I need some
Chewing Gum: not mine
Sweets: Yammie
Rainbow: Nice
Roller Coaster: never taste it

Quikie...(say what you think first)

Finnland: I love it
Hannawald: no comment
Skijumping: Havu, Kpo, Lahti
Kuopio: Havu, Study, Puijo

Lahti: Kalle
Braunlage: never were there

Choose one…..

Cola/Pepsi: Cola
Rain/Snow: Snow
Sun/Rain: Sun
Sleep long/get up early: Sleep long

Absolutly me…..

Where are you in one year?? Still here

You first thought in the morning???: I don´t want to get up.  
Which car do you drive???: Bike
What do you wear in bed???: Shirt
What do you see first when you see a boy???: hands, eyes, lips

Your fave word?: OMG

Your fave word in english: shit

Your fave word in france: voulez- vous chouchez avec moi???
Your fave finnish word: yhdistynyt kuningaskunta
Are you a good friend???: I hope so
Which thing would you do in your life???: Have a nice boy 2 kids and living in Finland

Do you believe in love at the first sight???: YES
You are afraid of??? War, illness,
What would you say at last??? HAVU ON PARAS










Nickname: Duni, Anniki

Birthday: 16. July 1984

Zodiac sign: cancer

School: no school, I work as a nurse

Eyecoulour: brown

Haircoulour: at the moment black

Hight: 1,65 m


Do you belive in yourself?: sure ;)

Your character: shy, nice, always a smile on the face



Food: Nutellabread

Drink: Coke light, water

Coulour: blue

Holidays: Suomi

Sports: skijumping, swimming, walking

Sweets: lakritsi

Schoolsubjekt: english

Band: POTF, Christina Stürmer, TikTak

Song: Pelimies, Lopeta, Odotan, I still burn, Purple rain, liebt sie dich so wie ich

Film: Spiderman

Actor: Tobey Maguire

Sportsmen: Kimi Räikkönen, Michael Greis

Skijumper: Janne Happonen, Michael Neumayer,


Animal: Hamster, Mice

Flower: Rose


What do you think when you here these words????

Money: I need some

Chewing Gum: yummy

Red: sometimes my face

Sweets: uskomaton ;)

Rainbow: bjutiful

Roller Coaster: cool, fun


Quikie...(say what you think first)

Finnland: uskomaton

Hannawald: no comment

Skijumping: friendz

Kuopio: puijo, tähti bar R*I*P*

Lahti: may 2005, september 2005  

Braunlage: never were there


Choose one…..

Cola/Pepsi: Cola

Rain/Snow: Snow

Sun/Rain: Sun

Sleep long/get up early: Sleep long


Absolutly me…..

Where are you in one year?? I don’t know….

You first thought in the morning???: fuck.  

Which car do you drive???: opel corsa rox

What do you wear in bed???: Shirt

What do you see first when you see a boy???: eyes, smile

Your fave word?: OMG

Your fave word in english: shit

Your fave word in france: salut

Your fave finnish word: uskomaton

Are you a good friend???: I hope

Which thing would you do in your life???: Have a nice boy 3 kids and living in Finland

Do you believe in love at the first sight???: YES

You are afraid of??? War, illness,  

What would you say at last??? HAVU ON USKOMATON






Nickname: Likite ,Lívi
Birthday:24 04 1990
Zodiac sign:

School:gymasium (Győr)


Do you belive in yourself?:
Your character: I love finnland and my counrty Hungary i
like here live and i have a holiday soon 3 moth .


Drink:coca cola vanilia

Coulour:black,blu, green , brown
Sports:ski jumping
Sweets:hungarian sweets
Band:Rasmus , Him, The69eyes,Lordi,Björk, Kotiteosuus
Song:Lordi-Hard Rock Halelujah

Film:horror movies ,Lord of the ring

Actor:Keanu Reeves, Uma Thurman,
Sportsmen:Janne Happonen, Rok Benkovic

Skijumper:Janne Happonen, Rok Benkovic


What do you think when you here these words????

Money:i spend all
Chewing Gum:?
Red: i 'd like
Sweets: hmmm
Roller Coaster:?

Quikie...(say what you think first)

Kuopio: i like
Lahti:  i like too

Choose one…..

Cola/Pepsi: i don't know
Sleep long/get up early: get up eary

Absolutly me…..

Where are you in one year??

You first thought in the morning???:  breakfast
Which car do you drive???: hmm..
What do you wear in bed???:pj
What do you see first when you see a boy???:eyes

Your fave word?: Egészségedre (hungarian word)

Your fave word in english: stinky

Your fave word in france: i can't speak france
Your fave finnish word: rusketusraidat
Are you a good friend???: i hope, yes
Which thing would you do in your life???: i been happy

Do you believe in love at the first sight???:
You are afraid of???  no
What would you say at last???  köszi szépen anya




Nickname: urmelinchen, Hanni
Birthday: 22.5.1990
Zodiac sign: twins

School: gymnasium
Eyecoulour: blue-grey
Haircoulour: brown

Hight: 162 cm

Do you belive in yourself?: yes
Your character: nice, funny, musician, sporty


Food: pizza
Drink: cola

Coulour: red or blue
Holidays: norway, suomi, new zealand, iceland
Sports: dancing (ballroom dancing), skijumping
Sweets: chocolate
Schoolsubjekt: music, sport
Band: die ärzte
Song: "hurt" christina aguilera

Film: lord of the rings, robin hood, phantom of the opera

Actor: alan rickman
Sportsmen: michael ballack

Skijumper: romoeren, Havu
Country: Norway
Animal: Horse
Flower: rose

What do you think when you here these words????

Money: I need it
Chewing Gum: very good "yam yam"
Red: love
Sweets: I love them and need them for live
Rainbow: nice thing
Roller Coaster: I hate roller coasters with loopings!

Quikie...(say what you think first)

Finnland: havu
Hannawald: one of greatest skijumper ever!
Skijumping: best sport ever
Kuopio:  finland
Lahti:   skijumping
Braunlage: i have never been there

Choose one…..

Cola/Pepsi:  cola
Rain/Snow: snow
Sun/Rain: sun
Sleep long/get up early: sleep long

Absolutly me…..

Where are you in one year?? in12. class

You first thought in the morning???:   i don't want to go to school
Which car do you drive???: I have no driving licence
What do you wear in bed???: pyjama
What do you see first when you see a boy???: face

Your fave word?: holla die waldfee

Your fave word in english: shit happens; puffin

Your fave word in france: je deteste ....
Your fave finnish word: hautamäki
Are you a good friend???: yes I am
Which thing would you do in your life???: meet Bjoern-einar romoeren or havu

Do you believe in love at the first sight???: yes
You are afraid of???   illness, war
What would you say at last??? skijumping rules!!!







Nickname: Inge
Birthday: 20/10/1985
Zodiac sign: Libra

School: Specialized gymnasy
Eyecoulour: Brown
Haircoulour: Brown

Hight: ~ 160

Do you belive in yourself?: Yes really a lot
Your character: awfull =))


Food: Pasta, Pizza
Drink: Pepsi, Sprite, water, coffee

Coulour: Green, red, blue
Holidays: none
Sports: Ski-jumping, hockey, Formule-1
Sweets: no sweets!!
Schoolsubjekt: PE, Music
Band: Children of Bodom, Noghtwish, Kotiteollisuus
Song: a lot of them

Film: the Crow

Actor: Johny Depp
Sportsmen: HAVU for sure!!

Skijumper: Havu, Jan Matura
Country: Finland, Belarus
Animal: none - hate animals
Flower: ramone

What do you think when you here these words????

Money: ---
Chewing Gum: tasty
Red: sexy
Sweets: hate them
Rainbow: cool
Roller Coaster: ---

Quikie...(say what you think first)

Finnland: homeland
Hannawald: Sven
Skijumping: Havu
Kuopio:  Havu
Lahti: Samppo 
Braunlage: ---

Choose one…..

Cola/Pepsi: Pepsi
Rain/Snow: Snow
Sun/Rain: Rain
Sleep long/get up early: sleep long

Absolutly me…..

Where are you in one year?? Finland

You first thought in the morning???:  Havu is the best! =)) 
Which car do you drive???: no car yet
What do you wear in bed???: nothing
What do you see first when you see a boy???: eyes

Your fave word?: Hope

Your fave word in english: Hope

Your fave word in france: no
Your fave finnish word: ummetuslääke =))
Are you a good friend???: quite good
Which thing would you do in your life???: become a rock star/Havu's wife =P

Do you believe in love at the first sight???: yes, experiencing it now...
You are afraid of??? that my dreams won't come true 
What would you say at last??? donnow... sorry, but nothing...






Nickname: Barbora
Birthday: 13.12.1988
Zodiac sign: Sagittarius

School: Student
Eyecoulour: blue
Haircoulour: brown

Hight: 1.7

Do you belive in yourself?: yes
Your character: enthusiastic, optimistic, friendly, dreamer


Food: pizza, spaghetti
Drink: cola, tea, water

Coulour: blue
Holidays: Finnland, Norway, Croatia
Sports: ski jumping, nordic skiing, alpine skiing
Sweets: ........
Schoolsubjekt: German
Band: HIM, The Rasmus, Apocalyptica...
Song: Pieni sydän, Poison girl, Life burns, Far away, The Path,...

Film: The Lord of the Rings

Actor: Cate Blanchett
Sportsmen: too many

Skijumper: all
Country: Finnland
Animal: turtles
Flower: white rose

What do you think when you here these words????

Money: not important
Chewing Gum: my thing
Red: heart
Sweets: bad
Rainbow: nice
Roller Coaster: ??

Quikie...(say what you think first)

Finnland: wow
Hannawald Sven
Skijumping: best thing ever
Kuopio:  Puijo
Lahti:  Hollola
Braunlage: never been there

Choose one…..

Cola/Pepsi: Cola
Rain/Snow: snow
Sun/Rain: rain
Sleep long/get up early: sleep long

Absolutly me…..

Where are you in one year?? In Scandinavia I hope

You first thought in the morning???:  How is Havu?
Which car do you drive???: none
What do you wear in bed???: pj
What do you see first when you see a boy???: eyes

Your fave word?: hope

Your fave word in english: hope

Your fave word in france: -
Your fave finnish word: rakkaus, hiljaisuus, toivo
Are you a good friend???: hope so
Which thing would you do in your life???: everything about ski jumping

Do you believe in love at the first sight???: yes
You are afraid of???   Illnesses, war
What would you say at last??? Syviin juuriin ei ulotu pakkanen...








The discription: Katrin Richly


Nickname: Katsch, Katrainska, KAT

Birthday: 19.07.1984

Zodiac sign: Cancer


School: student

Eyecoulour: blue

Haircoulour: brown


Hight: 175 cm


Do you belive in yourself?: of course

Your character:




Food: Makaroni

Drink: Guinness


Coulour: red and yellow in combination, otherwise red

Holidays: Easter

Sports: cycling, bowling, swimming

Sweets: Zitro

Schoolsubjekt: history


Song: “Abendrot”; “fields of gold”


Film: romeo and Juliet





Skijumper: Havu and ROK

Country: Ukraine, Finland, Canada

Animal: fish

Flower: a yellow one, which name I never know


What do you think when you here these words????


Money: I hate money. I dream of a world without money.

Chewing Gum: A must in an airplane

Red: love

Sweets: I need for learning for exams

Rainbow: I love! It is a sign of god and his connection to people on earth.

Roller Coaster: fast vehicle


Quikie...(say what you think first)


Finnland: cold

Hannawald: old

Skijumping: fascinating

Kuopio: the greatest town ever

Lahti: I never have been there – what a pitty

Braunlage: somewhere in Germany


Choose one…..


Cola/Pepsi: cola

Rain/Snow: snow

Sun/Rain: sun

Sleep long/get up early: sleep long


Absolutly me…..


Where are you in one year?? Writing my bachelor thesis in Darmstadt


You first thought in the morning???: I want sleep longer

Which car do you drive???: my bike

What do you wear in bed???: clothes! ;)

What do you see first when you see a boy???: his hair


Your fave word?: “nu” (a typical word for yes in Saxony)


Your fave word in english: I don´t speak any English ;)


Your fave word in france: I only learned Russian in school

Your fave finnish word: just, niin

Are you a good friend???: yes!

Which thing would you do in your life???: travelling around the world, making my masters degree in Canada and emigrate to a country of nowhere


Do you believe in love at the first sight???: yes

You are afraid of??? Dogs and drunken Russian men

What would you say at last??? Don´t laugh at me. That´s me, I can´t change it!








Nickname: Ola, Olaes, Alex
Birthday: 22.08.1992
Zodiac sign: Leo

School: Junior high
Eyecoulour: brown/green
Haircoulour: brown

Hight: 1,72 m

Do you belive in yourself?: yes :)
Your character: funny, nice, crazy, strange, musican


Food: cheesburger
raspberry juice

Coulour: black, white, green
Holidays: Poland
Sports: ski jumping (but I'm not ski-jumper)
Sweets: chocolate
Schoolsubjekt: french
Band: Rammstein
Song: "Niech mówią że to nie jest miłość" - polish song (
Let they say that isn't love)
Film: I haven't got

Actor: Hmm... I don't know :P
Sportsmen: Adam Małysz, Havu, BER, Tom Hilde, Arthur Pauli, Janne Ahonen and other ski -jumpers, Nick Heidfeld

Skijumper: I don't know
Country: Poland, Norway, Finland...
Animal: Cat
Flower: Rose

What do you think when you here these words????

Money: It isn't important
Chewing Gum: Orbit
Red: blood
Sweets: pleasure
Rainbow: bridge
Roller Coaster: wonderful!

Quikie...(say what you think first)

Finnland: far far away, reindeer
Hannawald: I don't like
Skijumping: my second life

Kuopio:  Puijo
Lahti:   wind
Braunlage: I don't understatd this word :(

Choose one…..

Cola/Pepsi: Nothing
Rain/Snow: Snow
Sun/Rain: Sun
Sleep long/get up early: Sleep long

Absolutly me…..

Where are you in one year?? Poland

You first thought in the morning???: "Oh no, school..."
Which car do you drive???: no car
What do you wear in bed???: pyjama
What do you see first when you see a boy???: ears

Your fave word?:

Your fave word in english: sweet

Your fave word in france: le pantalon
Your fave finnish word: Hautamaeki
Are you a good friend???: I think so
Which thing would you do in your life???: I don' know

Do you believe in love at the first sight???: yes
You are afraid of???   No!
What would you say at last??? Good bye :P








Nickname: Mimi
Birthday:    09-21-1990
Zodiac sign: virgin

School: Gymnasium
Eyecoulour: green
Haircoulour: brown

Hight: 1.65 m

Do you belive in yourself?:  yes =)
Your character: nice, always laughing, sunshine =)


Food: everything coming from italy
Drink: coke

Coulour: black, pink, blue
Holidays: Finnland
Sports: Skijumping, Riding, Football, Handball
Sweets: don’t know…
Schoolsubjekt: English, Chemistry
Band: Sunrise Avenue, Empty Trash
Song: “Garden Of Growing Hearts” by Empty Trash

Film: Lord Of The Ring

Actor: Hayden Christensen, Orlando Bloom
Sportsmen: Janne Happonen, Christian Ahlmann, Nadine Capellmann

Skijumper: Janne Happonen, Arttu Lappi, Björn Einar Romören
Country: Finnland, Norway
Animal: Horse, Dog, Mouse
Flower: rose…

What do you think when you here these words????

Money: well… you need it to get things in life
Chewing Gum: ?
Red: Ferrari… ^^
Sweets: ?
Rainbow: colourful
Roller Coaster: ?

Quikie...(say what you think first)

Finnland: havu 
Hannawald: he was a great skijumper…
Skijumping: great sport…
Kuopio: wonderful city
Lahti: wonderful city, too
Braunlage: what???

Choose one…..

Cola/Pepsi: cola
Rain/Snow: snow
Sun/Rain: sun
Sleep long/get up early: sleep long

Absolutly me…..

Where are you in one year?? Writing my exam

You first thought in the morning???: to early to think… ^^
Which car do you drive???: kia sorento ex
What do you wear in bed???: boxershorts & t-shirts
What do you see first when you see a boy???: eyes & face

Your fave word?: ?

Your fave word in english: whole language is great

Your fave word in france: croissant
Your fave finnish word: Mä rakastan sua (but it’s a sentence…)
Are you a good friend???: think so
Which thing would you do in your life???: emigrate to Finnland, study, travel around the world

Do you believe in love at the first sight???: yes
You are afraid of???   Spiders ^^
What would you say at last??? Hate me or love me, but that’s what I am =P



Nickname: Aga
Birthday: 12.09.1992
Zodiac sign: virgo

School: Gymnasium
Eyecoulour: brown
Haircoulour: brown

Hight: 162cm

Do you belive in yourself?: sometimes
Your character: nice, calm, oryginal, creative,


Food: pizza, piadina and chicken
Drink: babana juice

Coulour: blue
Holidays: ocean or mountains
Sports: ski and skate
Schoolsubjekt: french and english
Band: ---
Song: "In my dreams"

Film: Scary Move (all parts), Constantine, Tomb Rider: Lara Croft,

Actor: Keannu Reaves, Went Miller,
Sportsmen: Janne Happonen, Tom Hilde, Florian Liegl, Bjoern-Einar Romoeren, Janne Ahonen, Harri Olli, Anders Jacobsen, Anders Bardal

Skijumper: (look on sportsmen)

Country: Poland, Norway, Finland,
Animal: dog
Flower: rose

What do you think when you here these words?

Money: holiday on island,
Chewing Gum: tongue, bubbles
Red: blood, bull,
Sweets: honey,
Rainbow: teletubies, gold
Roller Coaster: vomit     and fun

Quikie...(say what you think first)

Finnland: cold, lakes, north,
Hannawald: Germany
Skijumping: sweater, jump,
Kuopio: Janne Happonen
Lahti: Janne Ahonen
Braunlage: ---

Choose one?..

Cola/Pepsi: Pepsi
Rain/Snow: Snow
Sun/Rain: Sun
Sleep long/get up early: Sleep long

Absolutly me?..

Where are you in one year? Many of places

You first thought in the morning? It will be good day
Which car do you drive? I don't drive but I like mustangs
What do you wear in bed? Pyjamas or underwear
What do you see first when you see a boy? his face and body

Your fave word?:

Your fave word in english: sweater
Your fave word in france: une crepe
Your fave finnish word: koskenkorve
Are you a good friend? I think so
Which thing would you do in your life? I don't
Do you believe in love at the first sight? No
You are afraid of? The dark
What would you say at last? Koskenkorve in my veins




Nickname: Sue, Sussi
Birthday: 24.07.87
Zodiac sign: Leo

School: Saltdal VGS, but I'm finished now
Eyecoulour: Brown
Haircoulour: Black

Hight: 166 cm

Do you belive in yourself?: Sometimes
Your character: Kind, funny, outgoing


Food: Taco, Pizza
Drink: Cola

Coulour: Limegreen
Sports: Skijumping
Sweets: Everything
Band: Linkin Park, Evanescence, Red hot chilli peppers, Foo fighters etc
Song: That's so many

Film: Boondock Saints, American History X, Ice age, Eragon, Harry Potter, Lord of the rings...

Actor: Norman Reedus, Nicolas Cage
Sportsmen: Janne Mikael Happonen

Skijumper: Janne Happonen, Anders Jacobsen, Tom Hilde and Thomas Morgenstern
Country: Norway
Animal: Dog and rabbit
Flower: Rose

What do you think when you here these words????

Money: That I'm broke
Chewing Gum:  Want some
Red: color
Sweets: I really want some
Rainbow: beatiful
Roller Coaster: Want too try one

Quikie...(say what you think first)

Finnland: Janne Happonen
Hannawald: Ehh no comment
Skijumping: Janne Happonen
Kuopio:Janne happonen
Lahti: Janne Happonen
Braunlage: What??

Choose one…..

Cola/Pepsi: Cola
Rain/Snow: Snow
Sun/Rain: Sun
Sleep long/get up early: Sleep long

Absolutly me…..

Where are you in one year?? Propably still in Bodø working

You first thought in the morning???:  No, I wanna sleep more
Which car do you drive???: Don't have a car yet
What do you wear in bed???:  pyjamas and a t-shirt
What do you see first when you see a boy???: Eyes, hair, and smile

Your fave word?: Don't have any favorite word

Your fave word in english: Hell yeah

Your fave word in france: Merde:p It's the only one I can
Your fave finnish word: I can't any finnish word:(
Are you a good friend???: Yes, I think so
Which thing would you do in your life???:  Meet Janne Happonen:p and travel to New Zealand

Do you believe in love at the first sight???: Yes, I do
You are afraid of??? Spiders
What would you say at last??? Janne Happonen, he's the man;)





Nickname: Aga
Birthday: 12.09.1992
Zodiac sign: virgo

School: lyceum
Eyecoulour: brown
Haircoulour: brown

Hight: 162,5cm

Do you belive in yourself?: sometimes
Your character: nice, calm, oryginal, creative,


Food: pizza, piadina and chicken
Drink: banana juice

Coulour: blue
Holidays: ocean or mountains
Sports: ski and skate
Sweets: chocolate
Schoolsubjekt: french and english
Band: Nightwish
Song: a lot of metal

Film: Scary Move (all parts), Constantine, Tomb Rider: Lara Croft, Next,
Actor: Keannu Reaves, Went Miller,
Sportsmen: Janne Happonen, Tom Hilde, Bjoern-Einar Romoeren, Janne Ahonen, Harri Olli, Anders Jacobsen, Anders Bardal,

Skijumper: (look on sportsmen)

Country: Poland, Norway, Finland,
Animal: dog
Flower: rose

What do you think when you here these words?

Money: holiday on island
Chewing Gum: bubbles
Red: blood
Sweets: sugar
Rainbow: teletubies
Roller Coaster: vomit

Quikie...(say what you think first)

Finnland: cold, lakes, north,
Hannawald: Germany
Skijumping: sweater, jump,
Kuopio: Janne Happonen
Lahti: Janne Ahonen
Braunlage: rest

Choose one…..

Cola/Pepsi: Pepsi
Rain/Snow: Snow
Sun/Rain: Sun
Sleep long/get up early: Sleep long

Absolutly me…..

Where are you in one year? lot of places
You first thought in the morning? Oh my God...
Which car do you drive? I don't drive but I like mustangs
What do you wear in bed? Pyjamas or underwear
What do you see first when you see a boy? his face and body

Your fave word?:

Your fave word in english: sweater
Your fave word in france: une crepe
Your fave finnish word: koskenkorva
Are you a good friend? I think I am
Which thing would you do in your life? Live and let live
Do you believe in love at the first sight? No
You are afraid of? The dark
What would you say at last? Koskenkorva in my veins

Nickname: Ghostflower
Birthday: 01.07.1989
Zodiac sign: Cancer

School: The University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy
Eyecoulour: dark-brown
Haircoulour: brown

Hight: 163

Do you belive in yourself?:
Your character: cheerful at time and sometimes depressive, i believe to be rational-minded :)


Food: hhmmm it's national meal i think some sort of soup with meat and popatoes:)
Drink: peach juice

Coulour: green, gray, purple
Holidays: Christmas, June 1th
Sports: ski jumping, volleyball, biathlon, ski running(dunno how it is in engl) swimming, and more
Sweets: chocolate maybe
Schoolsubjekt: hhmm.. physics at one time(cause of the teacher:)) and literature, now in the uni is Foundation of Building
Band: it's not just one... Amon Amarth, Trollfest, Viikate, Thyrfing, Thronar, Svartsot, and many, many others
Song: cant say... maybe at this time Far at Helvete or Farsotstider from Thyrfing

Film: American History X, Evil, The PAtriot, Braveheart, Schindler's List, The Green Mile.. etc

Actor: Edward Northon, Jean Reno, Al Pachino, Robert De Niro, Hugh Jackman, Antonio Banderas
Sportsmen: do u mean spotrist? hhm never thought of that, but for every sport there's someone:) maybe i have to say Yordan Yovchev cause he is really amazing...

Skijumper: hehe i think here the right answer is Janne Happonen, but i like Lappi and Jacobsen and Romoeren, too
Country: i guess Bulgaria:) hehe but i like Fin and norway, and England, Ireland and Scotland:)
Animal: all kinds of cats:) horses..animals as all
Convallaria majalis dunno how it is in engl, so here's in lathin

What do you think when you here these words????

Money: a lot of things to be bought
Chewing Gum: nice breath
Red: flag... bullfight
Sweets: mmm
Rainbow: Valkyries
Roller Coaster: ...?

Quikie...(say what you think first)

Finnland: friend
Hannawald: dont like german ski jumpers
Skijumping: lovely and exiting sport::)
Kuopio:  where heroes r born:)
Lahti:   a place i want to visit
Braunlage: -

Choose one…..

Cola/Pepsi: Pepsi
Rain/Snow: Snow
Sun/Rain: if summer rain
Sleep long/get up early: mmm want to sleep:)

Absolutly me…..

Where are you in one year??  hope where i am now, just studying other thing:)

You first thought in the morning???:   do it have to be so painful!
Which car do you drive???: i would drive if i had the money:) Aston Martin
What do you wear in bed???: t-shirt or  underwaer
What do you see first when you see a boy???: face, shoulders..hair:)

Your fave word?: mmmm the only one i think of now is "гмеж" wich means multitude but with bad imply

Your fave word in english:
maybe "lad" with that irish prononsiation:)

Your fave word in france: bonjuor?!
Your fave finnish word: kotka or poika;)
Are you a good friend???: i gues
Which thing would you do in your life???: work, travel, play sports if im lucky

Do you believe in love at the first sight???: liking yes but u can never know the person from the firsth  sight
You are afraid of???   failuor , disaster
What would you say at last???
love skijumping and eat healthy food:)

Nickname:  Brzęczyszczykiewicz
Birthday: 21 may 1989
Zodiac sign: Taurus
School: Studies
Eyecoulour: Green
Haircoulour: Blonde
Hight: 169

Do you belive in yourself?: not always
Your character: unbalanced... ;) crazy girl who loves Finnland (especially Finns...)

Food: Pizza
Drink: Tyskie
Coulour: white and light blue
Holidays: don't know...
Sweets: chocolate
Schoolsubjekt: geography

Band: Nightwish, Tarja Turunen, The Rasmus
Song: "Wishmaster", "Funeral Song", "Enough"
Film: "Lord of the Rings" trilogy
Actor: ymm, don't have
Kimi Räikkönen, Mikko Oivanen
Skijumper: Janne Happonen, Harri Olli, Ville Larinto, Matti Hautamäki, Kalle Keituri, Adam Małysz
Country: Finnland, Poland
Animal: Wolf

What do you think when you here these words????
Money: evil xD
Chewing Gum: mmm, strawberry ;)
Red: loove
Sweets: fat xD
Rainbow: happy
Roller Coaster: bad moments of my life...

Quikie...(say what you think first)
Finnland: sexy Finns
Hannawald: umm, Germany?

Skijumping: Finns...
Kuopio: snow, snow and more snow
Lahti: Ville Larinto, Janne Ahonen
Braunlage: Hannawald, don't know why

Choose one…..
Cola/Pepsi: Cola
Rain/Snow: Snow
Sun/Rain: Sun
Sleep long/get up early: get up early

Absolutly me…..
Where are you in one year???:  Poland
You first thought in the morning???: I'v got too many things to do...
Which car do you drive???: always bike...
What do you wear in bed???: looong shirt
What do you see first when you see a boy???: eyes, hair and his backside of course... xD

Your fave word?: Gżegżółka (polish word)
Your fave word in english: shopping centre

Your fave word in france: Que le bon dieu te patafiole!
Your fave finnish word: Onko alennuksia opiskelijoille?
Are you a good friend???: I thing I am
Which thing would you do in your life???: move to Finnland, marry Finn (ski jumper would be the best ;)) and have 2 children
Do you believe in love at the first sight???: Of course I do!
You are afraid of??? spiders! (bleee) 
What would you say at last??? I tak mnie nikt nie zrozumie, ale chcę nadmienić iż Finlandia to napiękniejszy kraj na świecie, a Finowie są absolutnie fantastyczni!
It means something like "I love you Havu, Olli, Larinto, Hautam
äki and Keituri"

Nickname: Ola, Olaes, Olette, Alex
Birthday: 22.08.1992
Zodiac sign: Leo

School: High school
Eyecoulour: brown/green
Haircoulour: brown

Hight: 1,72 m

Do you belive in yourself?: yes :)
Your character: funny, nice, crazy, strange, musican


Food: cheesburger
Drink: raspberry juice

Coulour: black, white, red, green
Holidays: Poland
Sports: ski jumping (but I'm not ski-jumper)
Sweets: chocolate
Schoolsubjekt: English
Band: Old Nightwish, Tarja Turunen
Song: "Sleeping sun" by Nightwish
Film: maybe "Little Princess"

Actor: Hmm... I don't know :P
Sportsmen: Adam Małysz, Havu, BER, Tom Hilde, Janne Ahonen and other
ski -jumpers

Skijumper: I don't know
Country: Poland, Norway, Finland, Switzerland...
Animal: Cat
Flower: Rose

What do you think when you here these words????

Money: I like it xD
Chewing Gum: Orbit
Red: blood
Sweets: pleasure
Rainbow: bridge
Roller Coaster: wonderful!

Quikie...(say what you think first)

Finnland: far far away, reindeer
Hannawald: I don't like
Skijumping: my second life

Kuopio:  Puijo
Lahti:   wind
Braunlage: I don't understatd this word :(

Choose one.....

Cola/Pepsi: Pepsi
Rain/Snow: Snow
Sun/Rain: Sun
Sleep long/get up early: Sleep long

Absolutly me.....

Where are you in one year?? Poland

You first thought in the morning???: "Oh no, school..."
Which car do you drive???: no car
What do you wear in bed???: pyjama
What do you see first when you see a boy???: hair

Your fave word?: żarcie (food)

Your fave word in english: sweet

Your fave word in france: le pantalon
Your fave finnish word: kuolema
Are you a good friend???: I think so
Which thing would you do in your life???: I don' know

Do you believe in love at the first sight???: yes
You are afraid of???   No!
What would you say at last??? Goodbye :P

Nickname: Seánsie
Birthday: 27/August/92

Zodiac sign: Virgo

School: Eureka,Kells,Ireland
Eyecoulour: blue and green lol
Haircoulour: brown

Height: 1,52 m

Do you belive in yourself?: Sure
Your character: giddy,sarcastic...


Food: Pasta carbonnara 
Drink: Malibu and coke

Colour: Electric Blue
Holidays: Christmas
Sports: skijumping, rugby,gaelic football,skiing
Sweets: starburst
School subject: music/french
Band: MCR,Paramore,Bell X1,Foo Fighters,Nirvana, Elliot Minor,Kyo,Indochine
Song: Paramore-My Heart,Red Hot Chili Peppers-Under The Bridge,Aerosmith-Don't Wanna Miss A Thing,Damien Saez-Jeune Et Con
Film: Brokeback Mountain,10Things I Hate About You,The Notebook

Actor: Heath Ledger,Johnny Depp,Angelina Jolie,Matt Damon
Sportsmen: Gregor Schlierenzauer,Sebastian Vettner

Skijumper: Gregor Schlierenzauer,Janne Happonen, Harry Olli,Ville Larinto, Martin Schmitt, Andy Keuttel,Andy Kofler,Tommy Morgenstern,Vincent Descombes Savoie,David Lazaronni
Country: Ireland! (not really!France!)
Animal: Siberian Tiger,Dolphin
Flower: Orchid

What do you think when you here these words????

Money: Shopping!!!!
Chewing Gum: Extra
Red: Love Heart
Sweets: Starburst
Rainbow: Colours
Roller Coaster: Scary!

Quikie...(say what you think first)

Finnland: Cold
Hannawald: What now?
Skijumping: Schlieri!,Havu,Harry Olli
Kuopio: Havu

Lahti: Ville Larinto
Braunlage: Again...what now?

Choose one…..

Cola/Pepsi: Cola
Rain/Snow: Snow
Sun/Rain: Sun
Sleep long/get up early: Sleep long

Absolutly me…..

Where are you in one year?? Finishing 5th year!!!!yay!

You first thought in the morning???: I need more sleep!
Which car do you drive???: Lol
What do you wear in bed???: Piejarmers
What do you see first when you see a boy???: Eyes,hair...

Your fave word?: Lol

Your fave word in english: the funky chicken!hahaha 

Your fave word in french: grand bisoux
Your fave finnish word: eh...yeah...
Are you a good friend???: Hopefully!
Which thing would you do in your life???: Have a nice guy,2 kids and live in Chamonix
Do you believe in love at the first sight???: yeah sure 
You are afraid of??? Insects,snakes,animals really!lol 
What would you say at last??? Love you Havu!














The discription:

Nickname: Saphira, Pebbelz
Birthday: 23.06.1988
Zodiac sign: cancer

School: I'm not going to school anymore, i'm working
Eyecoulour: light brown
Haircoulour: auburn

Hight: 1.75m

Do you belive in yourself?: yeah sometimes i do ^.~
Your character: not always easy to get along with, sarcastic and dark humor lover, always smiling, and in a very bad mood if beeing hungry,


Food: sushi,fried chicken,pulla
Drink: caipirinha, beer,sambuca, coke light, water

Coulour:black, dark green
Holidays: Ireland, Suomi, Belgium...places that don't get too warm in summer
Sports: Skijumping, Muay Thai, Sumo
Sweets: Bubblegum
Schoolsubjekt: -
Band: I only listen to techno most of the time, the only Band i listen to apart from that are: The Kroisos
Panda Eyes, Tiesto-Louder than boom

Film: Asian Films like MoonChild, Hero, Tiger&Dragon

Actor: Jet Li, Chen Daoming, Chang Chen, Andy Lau
Samart Payakaroon, Kaoklai Kaennorsing

Skijumper: Havu, Harri Olli, Axu, Kim Rene Elverum Sorsell
Country: Suomi, Ireland
Animal: Snake
Flower: Sunflower

What do you think when you here these words????

Money: Good to have
Chewing Gum: yummy
Red: blood
Sweets: don't like them too much
Rainbow: warm summer rain
Roller Coaster: yeyyyyyyyyyyyyy fun^^

Quikie...(say what you think first)

Finnland: Havu, Harri
Hannawald: omg long time no see
Skijumping: my one guilty pleasure
Kuopio: must visit again some day
Lahti:   -"-
Braunlage: never been there

Choose one…..

Cola/Pepsi: cola
Rain/Snow: snow
Sun/Rain: rain
Sleep long/get up early: sleep long

Absolutly me…..

Where are you in one year?? I don't know...i don't plan my life that far

You first thought in the morning???:   Oh Bugger, monday again
Which car do you drive???: Dacia Logan MCV Kombi
What do you wear in bed???: Boxer Shorts and wifebeater
What do you see first when you see a boy???: Eyes, Teeth (i'm somehow teeth fixated), Smile and Hands

Your fave word?: wat? (german for come again)

Your fave word in english: FUBAR

Your fave word in france: papillon
Your fave finnish word:
Are you a good friend???: i hope so
Which thing would you do in your life???: show the people i love HOW much i actually love them, travel to egypt,

Do you believe in love at the first sight???: yes
You are afraid of???  dark rooms / attics
What would you say at last??? So viel hmmmmmmmm steckt nur in Havu ^^



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